GROVE 221, Sunnyvale

Element: Grove by Stephen Galloway 2018


Element: Grove by Stephen Galloway is installed at Grove 221, a new office building in Sunnyvale, CA. This site-specific artwork made of ceramic frit on glass is 30' high x 135' wide. It floats in front of and screens two floors of the building.


Visible from both inside and outside, the abstracted image of a walnut tree pays homage to the abundant fruit and nut groves that populated this particular site as well as the region once known as the Valley of the Heart's Delight and now called Silicon Valley.

The artwork identifies this new corporate campus as both unique and inspired by its past. Emphasized by scale, Element: Grove is an encounter with nature and agriculture, and a reminder of the historical layers to the space.

Galloway.Element Grove 2018.Sunnyvale_1.JPG

CC/AA worked with the developer and architecture team to select the artist, oversee design development, lead the city approval process, and coordinate fabrication and installation. This project received a 2019 CODAworx Merit Award.