1111 BROADWAY, Oakland, CA

Use Photo Credit-Stephen Whisler.JPG

Since 2014, Chandra Cerrito / Art Advisors has organized rotating exhibitions of original artworks in the expansive lobby of 1111 Broadway, a commercial high-rise located in the heart of downtown Oakland.

Working with the property management team, CC/AA curates a wide range of works by local artists for exhibitions that are on view for three months. These serve as a wonderful amenity for office tenants and visitors while also enriching the broader community since the lobby is open to the general public.

Freestanding sculptures, such as the glass and tennis ball form by Rik Ritchey (above), and dynamic sculptural installations, like those by Sabine Reckewell (top image and right), enrich the space and engage viewers.

This architectural environment, with its high ceilings and wood and stone finishes, provides a beautiful backdrop for two-dimensional works, such as paintings by Mel Prest (top image) and Jeff Long (above).